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Health & Wellness

man doing pilates on a reformer
Survivors can benefit from exercise, with help
A recent infographic released by the National Cancer Institute notes that exercise can reduce cancer-related symptoms and improve how you feel.…
Resource Highlight
Resource Highlight: Jack & Jill Late Stage Cancer Foundation
A stage 4 cancer diagnosis is tough, but it can be especially stressful for young moms or dads who have children still in the home and worry about…
man using laptop computer
ThriveNV Joins Jasper Community
ThriveNV is a community of connection and caring. It's our goal to connect people who are affected by cancer and their caregivers to others in the…
caregiver with survivor using ipad
Caregiver Tools Can Ease a Stressful Time
Caregivers are the unsung heroes of the cancer care team, absorbing the many ripples cancer causes and helping their loved one deal with diagnosis,…
breaking a cigarette to quit smoking
VIDEO: What happens when you quit smoking?
Thrive Kitchen
Thrive Kitchen: Weeding Through the Internet for Recipes
If you've ever gone in search of a recipe on the internet, chances are you've turned up a slew of options. But just like every other category on the…
Thrive Kitchen
Thrive Kitchen: Overnight Oats Prove Simple and Satisfying
By Gigi Glogovac, University of Nevada Reno and Carson-Tahoe Outpatient Oncology Rotation Project It is important during treatment to maintain a…
Darcy flexing her biceps
Becoming a Warrior: The Big Reveal
By Darcy Phillips This is part of an ongoing series featuring Darcy and her experience as an Evoke Warrior, training in a cancer rehabilitation…
Man breathing
Relaxation can lead to better cancer outcomes
A cancer diagnosis, cancer treatments and cancer caregiving can all be among the most stressful times in a person’s life. That stress, …
Thrive Kitchen
Thrive Kitchen: The Veggie Tray
A lot of people have a challenging relationship with food, but often those who’ve undergone treatment for cancer can find eating and maintaining…