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The Art of Active Listening - Communicating emotionally charged or difficult news: Dr. Helen Meldrum

06 June, 2022

In this Pfizer-sponsored program, Helen Meldrum, PhD, discusses active listening and how to communicate emotionally charged or difficult news to patients and their families. 

Webinar open to: Physicians, Nurses, Allied Health Professionals, Future Medical/Nursing Professionals, Navigators, Social Services, and anyone working with the oncology population.

Learn how to:

  • Improve communication skills.
  • Apply empathetic counseling skills.
  • Formulate sensitive responses.
  • Better support patients so they can understand their medical status and participate in their own care.


Dr. Meldrum is an associate professor of natural and applied sciences at Bentley University. She has extensive experience as a teacher, lecturer, researcher, and consultant in areas of interpersonal and group dynamics in health care, customer service, psychology of adulthood, mental health services, communication skills, conflict management, presentation skills, and teaching skills. She is the author of three books focused on communications and organization in healthcare settings and healthcare professionals and her articles, interviews, editorials and reviews have appeared in publications as varied as USA Today, The Wall St. Journal, Patient Care, and The Journal of Therapeutic Communication.

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