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Cancer Plan Revision

2026-2030 Nevada Cancer Plan

Nevada is beginning the process of developing the 2026-2030 Nevada Cancer Plan. The plan outlines priority areas for cancer control and provides a framework for action in reducing the burden of cancer and improving the quality of life within our state. As a stakeholder in Nevada’s cancer control efforts, your ideas and input are essential as we move forward in this process.

Below are resources to assist you as we move through the process.

Cancer Plan Revision Timeline
March 2024Stakeholder survey opens Done!
April 2024Stakeholder survey closes Done!
June 2024In-person stakeholder meetings in Las Vegas and Reno; virtual stakeholder meetings with other communities
June 10, 12-3:30pm - Las Vegas Stakeholder Meeting - IN PERSON
June 11, 11:30-1pm - Rural Stakeholder Meeting - VIRTUAL
June 11, 4-5:30pm - Black Community Stakeholder Meeting - VIRTUAL
June 12, 11:30-1pm - LGBTQ+ Community Stakeholder Meeting - VIRTUAL
June 14, 8-11:30am - Reno Stakeholder Meeting - IN PERSON
June 26, 4-5:30 p.m. - Tribal Community Stakeholder Meeting - VIRTUAL
July 2024Workgroup meetings scheduled and agendas developed; these groups will develop objectives and strategies for the plan
August 2024Workgroup meetings begin; Data presentation and workshop at Nevada Cancer Control Summit on Aug. 23
September 2024 - February 2025CELL Series webinars hosted on identified cross-cutting issues; Workgroup meetings and regional partner meetings continue
March 2025Plan writing begins
April-May 2025Updated cancer data added to final plan draft; approval process
June 2025Final draft complete and sent for design and printing
August or September 20252026-2030 Nevada Cancer Plan released at Nevada Cancer Control Summit in Las Vegas

Related Learning Opportunities

Health Equity Webinar Series, presented by American Cancer Society

CELL Series, NCC Cancer Education Lunch & Learn Series

  • Sept. 11, Nevada's Central Cancer Registry

Other Learning Events

Guidance for Plan Priorities and Process

The plan will align with CDC priorities:

  • Primary prevention of cancer
  • Promotion of early detection and treatment of cancer
  • Support for cancer survivors and caregivers
  • Cross-cutting issues:
    • Building healthy communities through policy, systems, and environmental approaches
    • Achieving health equity within cancer prevention and control
    • Demonstrating outcomes through evaluation

The plan will align with NCC priorities:

  • Primary prevention: HPV vaccination, sun safety, tobacco/vapes, obesity and nutrition, radon
  • Early detection: Breast, cervical, colorectal, and lung cancers
  • Survivorship: Navigation and palliative care
  • Equitable access to care with a focus on disparate populations and rural/frontier community access
  • Quality data
  • Evidence-based practices and interventions

Overall areas of focus:

  • Policy, systems, and environmental change
  • Health equity
  • Evaluation