Nevada Central Cancer Registry
The Nevada Central Cancer Registry—aggregating data to help us improve cancer control in Nevada.

The Nevada Central Cancer Registry (NCCR) is a statewide, population-based registry that maintains data on all cancer patients residing in the state of Nevada. Hospitals, health care providers, and other facilities report cancer information to NCCR to be compiled into complete cases. Every year, NCCR electronically submits cancer data to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)/National Program of Cancer Registries (NPCR) and the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR) for analysis, certification, and inclusion in national cancer statistics. NCCR is committed to obtaining high quality data and to protecting the confidentiality of individuals.
NCCR disseminates information to support cancer prevention and control, facilitate cancer research, and monitor cancer trends. Nevada Cancer Coalition relies on data from NCCR to develop each five-year Nevada Cancer Plan. With this data, we are able to define priority areas in cancer control, identify evidence-based strategies to decrease cancer incidence and mortality, and better direct public health dollars.
The Nevada Central Cancer Registry (NCCR) is regulated by both Nevada Revised Statues (NRS) 457 and Nevada Administrative Codes (NAC) 457. State regulation made cancer a reportable disease in Nevada effective 1983. Compliance with cancer reporting will ensure complete, timely, and accurate surveillance data and enable the registry to produce meaningful cancer statistics for public use.
The types of persons and facilities required to report:
- Health care facilities
- Providers of health care who diagnose or provide treatment for cancer
- Medical laboratories
- Other facilities that provide screening, diagnostic or treatment services
The Nevada Cancer Registrars Association (NVCRA) connects cancer data reporters across the state with the NCCR to work towards consistent and accurate data collection, collaborate on reporting issues, and provide tools and educational development opportunities.
Nevada Office of Analytics
The Office of Analytics (OOA) provides DHHS programs, the Governor, the Legislature, the media and other stakeholders a consistent location to request data to better understand and improve upon the performance of DHHS programs, support grant funding, drive policy, and inform the public.
Under the technical guidance of the Chief Biostatistician, the OOA serves as a single point of accountability for continual improvements to the consistency and quality of analytic products being produced and disseminated by DHHS.