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Empowerment Found at 6-Week Workshop

06 June, 2017

During Spring 2017 NCC hosted a series of focus groups with cancer survivors to learn more about their experiences: both negative and positive. One program that elicited positive feedback which resulted in several participants planning to enroll in the program was Cancer: Thriving and Surviving. This evidence-based six-week workshop developed by the Stanford University School of Medicine is offered in both Reno and Las Vegas. Our hope is that with greater enrollment the program could spread to additional communities and locations throughout the state.

Feedback from participants in NCC's focus groups noted that Cancer: Thriving and Surviving was both valuable and empowering. 

"They just gave you tools to make decisions, tools to not just feel helpless. Tools that told you about diet, told you about pretty much the whole gamut."

The program helps individuals learn how to set personal goals and develop skills necessary to overcome barriers and successfully manage health, which can be an overwhelming task for those in cancer treatment. Topics covered include:

  • Developing techniques to deal with problems such as frustration, fatigue, pain, isolation, poor sleep, and living with uncertainty
  • Learning appropriate exercise for regaining and maintaining flexibility and endurance
  • Making decisions about treatment and complementary therapies
  • Communicating effectively with family, friends, and health professionals
  • Nutrition
  • Setting priorities
  • Relationships

Designed to enhance regular treatment, the program will not conflict with existing programs or treatment. And, each workshop series is facilitated by two leaders who are cancer survivors and/or cancer caregivers.

Workshops are offered throughout the year by St. Rose Dominican Dignity Health in southern Nevada and Sanford Center for Aging in northern Nevada. The next scheduled workshop series begins July 10 in Las Vegas. Click here for details.