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Gruen Vonbehrens speaks to schools across Nevada about the dangers of tobacco use

03 March, 2013

Each day in the United States over 3,800 young people under 18 years of age smoke their first cigarette, and over 1,000 youth under age 18 become daily cigarette smokers. One of the most important - and widely cited - findings on smoking and health is that virtually all cigarette smoking and tobacco usage begins before adulthood. While the prevalence of tobacco usage among Nevada’s youth has dropped significantly in the past decade, our rate still remains at 17% and seems to be climbing again.

Gruen's Story:

Gruen VonBehrens, cancer survivor and motivational speaker, began using chewing tobacco at age 13 and was diagnosed with oral cancer at age 17. He has undergone 35 surgeries including removal of his lower teeth, jawbone, half of his tongue and part of his neck muscles. VonBehrens now travels across the country sharing his story and educating kids and teens about the risks of tobacco use, respecting yourself and others.

Mr. VonBehrens will address Nevada teens on the risks of tobacco use. Over the course of the week (March 11th, 2013 -March 15th, 2013), VonBehrens will speak to more than 4,000 kids and teens from 12 schools throughout Nevada. VonBehrens’ presentations are made possible through a grant from the Nevada State Health Division and the efforts of Nevada Cancer Coalition and our partners.

Gruen in Dayton, NV

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