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NCC Highlights Survivorship at Nevada Libraries

06 June, 2018

Nevada Cancer Coalition's most recent survivorship project is a new partnership bringing information and support to the community in the places where they go to find information -- public libraries throughout the state. Nine libraries in Washoe, Elko, Eureka, and Lander counites will feature the educational displays throughout the month of June, along with library resources and books on various cancer topics. 

Nevada is home to thousands of individuals of all ages and from all walks of life who have survived cancer. Their experiences with diagnosis, treatment, and life after cancer, as “survivors,” can cover many emotions: fear, uncertainty, hope, anger, empowerment, and more. The “Supporting Survivors: Life Beyond Cancer” displays serve to educate the community that cancer is a disease that people can, and do, survive, and to share information on the many resources available to support survivors throughout their lives. They also provide details on where to find up-to-date, reliable information about cancer.

For more information on cancer survivorship visit our Survivorship page, or search the Resource Directory.