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Nevada's Teen Vaping Campaign Strives to Keep Kids Vape-Free

12 December, 2020

Educating Nevada's Teens on the Dangers of Vaping and E-Cigarettes

Nevada Tobacco Prevention Coalition (NTPC) has put together a five-part public education campaign, starting with “Behind the Haze NV,” to educate teens and adults about the dangers of vaping and unveil the unethical tactics of the vaping industry. Through campaign messaging, statewide partnerships, and collaboration, NTPC’s goal is to reduce the overall use of youth vaping in Nevada.

Passed during the 2019 legislative session, SB 263 requires vapor products and alternative nicotine products be taxed and regulated as other tobacco, implemented 30% tax of wholesale price for vapor products, and penalties for selling to minors including internet sales. The Nevada Youth Anti-Vaping Campaign, a result of appropriation of $2,500,000, was launched in June 2020 to prevent initiation of tobacco use (including emerging products and e-cigarettes) among youth and young adults. This statewide campaign has developed best-practice and evidence-based media messaging to decrease youth initiation and use of e-cigarettes

The Problem

Youth vaping has skyrocketed in Nevada. There has been a more than 45% increase (between 2017-2019) in teens reporting they have vaped in the last thirty days. In certain parts of Nevada, the vaping prevalence rates are above 36%. Vapes are designed to appeal to children and teens, and are widely available to our youth through family, friends, social media, online and lax vape shop regulations. Peers, role models and influencers have normalized vaping and the smoking culture in Nevada is still strong.

Why It Matters

Teens in Nevada are risking their current and future health by vaping because they do not fully understand the risks of vaping and nicotine addiction. Adults are concerned about teen vaping too. The parents, educators, health officials, leaders, teen mentors and other adults who influence teens need additional help. They need information on why vaping is harmful for teens and resources to help their teens who are vaping.

What We Are Doing About It

44% of Teens Have Tried to Quit Vaping

To reduce teen vaping in Nevada, the Nevada Tobacco Prevention Coalition has developed two brands to reach teens and parents/adult influencers of teens across the state of Nevada. The goal of these campaigns is to decrease youth initiation and use of e-cigarettes and achieve a tangible reduction in vaping rates across the state.

In early 2020, campaign researchers assessed more than 320 teens in northern, rural, and southern Nevada. These interviews were specific to messages on vaping prevention, awareness to preferences in ad style, tone, characters, settings, and message framing. Creative concepts were developed on this assessment, agency insight and concepts from NTPC. The team then conducted a total of 24 one-on-one phone interviews to evaluate vaping trends and receptiveness to vape messaging. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected to help cement the campaign strategy that is now Behind the Haze NV and Let’s Talk Vaping.



Behind the Haze delivers educational content in a relevant and relatable way to teens that exposes the truth about vapes, aimed to increase perception of risk and curb social appeal of vape use. Behind the Haze is a straightforward and reliable source of vaping information for at-risk teens, with ongoing research and message testing that has been conducted in numerous states including Nevada, to ensure that the messaging approach and strategy resonates with and engages at-risk teens.

Let’s Talk Vaping delivers a resource that educates parents and other adult influencers on the what’s in vapes, the harms, guides on how to talk to Nevadan teens about vape use and resources for them and their teens on how to stop vaping. Our communications approach is an uncomplicated, straightforward online resource that educates & supports parents about teen vape use. The brand and accompanying campaign are strategically designed to meet Nevada parents where they are seeking out & finding information about parenting teens and youth in their lives.

Behind The Haze and Let's Talk Vaping Flagship Videos

Deceptions On Display - Thumbnail Image


Vape companies illegally marketed their products to us to get your generation addicted.

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Defenseless - Thumbnail Image


Chemicals in vapes can weaken your lungs’ defenses, leaving you vulnerable to viruses.

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Test Your Luck - Thumbnail Image


Every time you vape you’re tempting fate.

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Hidden Weakness - Thumbnail Image


Vaping can weaken even the strongest amongst us.

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Let's Talk Vaping - Image Thumbnail


Provide a resource on vaping to educate parents, and adult influencers, to give them tips to support their teen.

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