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RenOpen Streets Gets Sun Smart

10 October, 2015

It may have been rainy and overcast, but that didn't dampen the spirits of Nevada Cancer Coalition and Renown Health staff at this year's RenOpen Streets event, Oct. 17 in downtown Reno. The event closed off streets throughout downtown and midtown Reno along a 1.5-mile route to encourage walking and cycling, community interaction, and overall healthy living. The Sun Smart Nevada sunscreen station was at the event route's mid-point and offered up free SPF30 sunscreen along with tips on how to stay sun smart. (Yes, sunscreen is important even on cloudy days!) Visitors to the Sun Smart Nevada station included doctors, parents, children, retirees, young adults, and other event vendors, and by all accounts our station was a hit! 

Nurses Denise and Shelly from Renown joined in to assist with the skin analyzer machine. Participants could take a look inside and see any potential sun damage on their face and head, while the nurses pointed out any potential areas for concern and shared some of their medical expertise. 

This was the first community event for Sun Smart Nevada intern Briana as well. Thanks for braving the rain!

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