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Scarselli Elementary Hosts Sun Smart Assembly

04 April, 2016

The Sun Smart Schools team headed to Gardnerville's Scarselli Elementary in April to share the 5 S's of sun safety and tips for students on how to be Sun Smart. Students from grades K - 5 attended the assembly and learned about how the sun's UV rays can cause sunburn, and how to prevent sunburn while still enjoying the sun. The interactive assembly invited students to talk about their favorite summer activities and how they would protect their skin, including putting on sunscreen and finding shade under a tree or umbrella. Each student also received a Sun Smart bracelet that changes color from white to dark purple when exposed to UV rays. The bracelets will help students remember when to practice the 5 S's to stay Sun Smart.

What are the 5 S's?

Slip on sun protective clothing.

Slop on broad spectrum SPF 30+ sunscreen.

Slap on a wide-brimmed hat.

Seek shade or shelter, especially from 10a.m.- 4p.m.

Slide on UV protective sunglasses.

Interested in joining Sun Smart Schools or hosting an assembly? Email our program manager Christine for more information.

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