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Sun Smart Nevada on the Road

07 July, 2016

We are hitting the road to bring free sunscreen and sun safety education to northern Nevadans throughout the summer. Wondering where we'll be? Check out the list to see if you'll be at any of these events:

Saturday, July 9, 9 AM - Noon
Back to School Health Fair
Little Flower Church
875 E. Plumb Lane, 89502
Sponsored by: United Healthcare

Tuesday, July 12, 10 AM - 2 PM
Senior Dimensions Member Appreciation Event
Grand Sierra Resort - Silver State Pavilion
Sponsored by: United Healthcare

Friday and Saturday, July 22-23

Ragnar Trail Relay

Tahoe, California

Sponsored by: Ragnar Races

Wednesday, July 27, Noon - 4 PM
Family Health Festival
Miguel Ribera Park, Neil Road
Sponsored by: Food Bank of Northern Nevada

Sunday, July 31, 10 AM - 3 PM
Reno Open Streets
Downtown Reno
Sponsored by: Washoe County

Saturday, August 6, 9 AM - 3 PM
Give Kids a Boost, Health and Safety Fair
Boys & Girls Club, 1300 Foster Drive, Reno
Sponsored by: Immunize Nevada

Saturday, August 20, 10 AM - 3 PM
Sparks Open Streets
Downtown Sparks
Sponsored by: Washoe County

Monday, September 19, All Day
Tournament of Hope

Montreux Golf and Country Club
Sponsored by: Northern Nevada Children’s Cancer Foundation

Wednesday, September 21, 11 AM - 6:30 PM
Reno-Sparks Indian Colony Health Fair
Sponsored by: Reno-Sparks Indian Colony

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