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Cancer Plan Evaluation Dashboard

Each year the State of Nevada Comprehensive Cancer Control Program conducts an evaluation of the Nevada Cancer Plan to review progress in achieving the stated goals. The evaluation includes progress made on indicators using available quantitative data, and progress on implementing activities using qualitative data.

Each year, we'll provide a snapshot of our progress toward achieving our goals to provide partners and the community information that can help them to take action.

Review the full evaluation report below, or click the goals below to see a snapshot of progress toward each of the indicators identified in the plan.

Goal: Prevent cancer by reducing exposure to risk factors.

Progress on Indicators

Data not available for Youth Obesity and UV Exposure indicators.








Goal: Increase early detection of cancers to reduce late-stage diagnosis.

Progress on Indicators

Data not available for Lung Cancer Screening indicator. Updated data not available for year 2 evaluation.



Goal: Ensure equitable access to health care for Nevadans.

Progress on Indicators




Goal: Improve quality of life for those diagnosed with cancer.

Progress on Indicators

Progress not available for Palliative Care Programs.


Goal: Provide high quality data to support and inform cancer control efforts and promote research to improve cancer prevention, detection, diagnosis, and treatment.

Progress on Indicators