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man doing pilates on a reformer
Survivors can benefit from exercise, with help
A recent infographic released by the National Cancer Institute notes that exercise can reduce cancer-related symptoms and improve how you feel.…
Darcy flexing her biceps
Becoming a Warrior: The Big Reveal
By Darcy Phillips This is part of an ongoing series featuring Darcy and her experience as an Evoke Warrior, training in a cancer rehabilitation…
Woman with arms raised in victory
Becoming a ‘Warrior’: Victories and Failures
By Darcy Phillips This is part of an ongoing series featuring Darcy and her experience as an Evoke Warrior, training in a cancer rehabilitation…
free weights
Becoming a 'Warrior', Part 3: The Gift that Keeps on Giving
By Darcy Phillips This is part of an ongoing series featuring Darcy and her experience as an Evoke Warrior, training in a cancer rehabilitation…
two women walking and smiling
Staying active during, after treatment can improve physical and emotional health
We know that exercise is good for the body to prevent a whole host of health conditions. The American Cancer Society notes that it’s also helpful…
fresh salad and exercise equipment
ACS Updates Guidelines for Cancer Survivors
A cancer diagnosis can make a person feel like they've lost some control over their own body -- a scary experience to be sure. It may also stir up a…
Advice for cancer survivors returning to the gym
Gyms are beginning to open up across Nevada and many people are anxious to get back to their exercise routines. Cancer survivors are included in this…
Shedding Light on a Sun Safe Ironman Journey
Growing up and playing soccer in the hot Texas sun, my parents always encouraged practicing sun safety. In high school my sport of choice changed to…
Fitness Center Program More Than Just Muscle Building
“It is the best thing you will ever do for yourself. And the trainers—they are amazing. They are just great no matter what type of cancer you have.…
LS Woman Back Pic
Reclaiming Health with LIVESTRONG at the Y
June 4 is National Cancer Survivors Day, an opportunity to focus on celebrating the many cancer survivors, recognizing the abundance of life after…