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Learning Center

Sexual Health and Cancer
Sexual Health and Fertility in Cancer Care
A cancer diagnosis and treatment can cause physical and emotional changes that affect intimacy, sexual health, and fertility. In this video, Dr. Don…
Roadblocks to mammogram
How to Overcome Roadblocks to Your Mammogram Appointment
Sometimes it’s hard to make that mammogram appointment. Work gets in the way or sometimes it just comes down to money. NCC’s Amy Thompson, Amy…
Survivorship: What Happens After Active Treatment Ends
Survivorship: What Happens After Active Treatment Ends
Completing cancer treatment may leave you with many questions about what the future may look like. Patient advocate and cancer survivor, Terry…
Clinical Trials Information Videos
Clinical Trials Videos
Knowing all you can about clinical trials can help you feel better when deciding whether or not to take part in one as part of your cancer treatment…
How will I know
Is a Clinical Trial is Right for Me?
How will you know? Patients, doctors, and patient advocates discuss the pros and cons of joining a cancer clinical trial in this video from the…
Life after treatment booklet
Life After Treatment for American Indian Communities
Life After Treatment: The Next Chapter in Your Survivorship Journey Brought to you by The Circle Of Life, this booklet provides cancer education…
Checklist for COVID-19
Managing Work Insurance & Finances During COVID-19
A checklist for managing work, insurance, & finances during COVID-19 Triage Cancer provides a number of resources to help you manage work,…
Clinical Trials Information
Quick Guide to Clinical Trials
A clinical trial is a research study that “prospectively assigns human participants or groups of humansto one or more health-related interventions…
Fertility and Cancer Treatment Sheet
Fertility & Cancer Treatment
Could cancer treatment affect my fertility?Which cancer treatments can cause infertility? Questions to ask the health care team: Cancer and…
After Treatment Ends Booklet
After Treatment Ends: Tools for the Adult Cancer Survivor booklet
Today, more people are living with and beyond cancer than ever before. The number of post-treatment cancer survivors in the United States (those who…