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cervical cancer screening

Prevention - Early Detection
Cervical Health Month 2024 Resources
Cervical cancer incidence and mortality is relatively low compared to some other cancers in Nevada. However, with proven effective prevention and…
Pap test demonstration
Screening, prevention have kept cervical cancer at bay for countless women
January is Cervical Health Awareness Month Cervical cancer, once a leading cause of cancer death among women, has become largely preventable…
Prevention - Early Detection
Cervical Health Month 2023 Resources - Bilingual
Cervical Health Awareness Month is recognized each January and draws attention to the ways to prevent cervical cancer and find it early, through…
doctor preparing to perform a colonoscopy
Prevention, screening still keys to reducing cancer burden
Cancer experts Lisa Richardson, MD, MPH, director of the Division of Cancer Prevention and Control at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention…
Early Detection
Cancer Screening Checklist
NCC offers a 4" x 9" rack card with a checklist of cancer screenings and other health checks patients can use to remember what they'd like to…
cervical cancer screening
USPSTF Releases Final Research Plan for Cervical Cancer Screening
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force in mid-March provided an update on its progress in reviewing and potentially updating its ratings for…
women smiling
Task force to add improving cervical cancer screening rates to 2022 efforts
Nevada Cancer Coalition’s Early Detection Task Force is taking up cervical cancer screening in its first meeting of 2022, seeking to find answers as…
National Breast & Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program Celebrates 23 Years
23rd Anniversary. It's a bit of an odd milestone to celebrate, when compared to the more rounded numbers 20 or 25. But in this era of healthcare…