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Smart policies can help us to create a Sun Smart Nevada.

Changing policies, or enacting new ones, can be a critical step in creating positive change in our communities. Policies help leaders and the community to make decisions and help create a path to lasting change. But we can’t do it alone. Community members passionate about a cause can help to educate leaders and encourage policy change.

What can you do?

  • Learn about current sun safety and skin cancer prevention policies—in Nevada, in your community, and at your work or school.
  • Reach out to Nevada Cancer Coalition’s Sun Smart Nevada team to learn about our work and how we can help with policy change.
  • Participate in activities that will help to educate leaders, policymakers, and the community about why sun safety and skin cancer prevention policy is important to Nevada.

Here's a great tip sheet for parents and PTO groups on how to work with schools to make playground sun smart.

When it comes to skin cancer prevention, Nevada Cancer Coalition has worked to promote all types of policies. What we sometimes refer to as “big P Policy” is passage of legislation that creates a new law—this is less frequent but can be very effective. More frequently, we work with organizations to pass what we refer to as “little p policy”—organizational or community level policies that effect change. Here’s a look at policy changes that are leading to a Sun Smart Nevada:

  • In 2013 Nevada’s Legislature became the fourth state to enact regulations regarding the use of tanning facilities by minors. The passage of SB 267 created a law prohibiting minors under 18 from using indoor tanning devices, and requires tanning salons to share certain warnings about the harms of indoor tanning with their customers.
  • In 2014 NCC Board Member Stacey Escalate shared her story as part of the U.S. Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Prevent Skin Cancer. Part of that call to action was a goal of promoting policies (big P and little p) to prevent skin cancer.
  • In 2019, SB 159, deemed the Sun Smart Bill, passed requiring all schools to adopt written policy concerning safe exposure to the sun and outlines provisions required within the policy.
  • As a result of SB 159, school districts and schools across Nevada have implemented policies to promote sun safety.

Want to get involved? Contact Lily Helzer, Cancer Prevention & Early Detection Programs Manager, to get started, or join our Policy Committee.