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College Campus

College Campus

Skin cancer is one of those cancers that gets its start early in life, but often shows up much later to wreak havoc. The majority of melanomas—the deadliest form of skin cancer—are caused by UV exposure from the sun. But, according to AIM at Melanoma Foundation, “the link between melanoma and indoor tanning is also devastatingly clear.”

Data shows that more than half of indoor tanners start tanning before the age of 21. A full 59% of college students have reported using a tanning device in their lifetime. The need for initiatives on college campuses to reduce the use of indoor tanning devices is clear.

Indoor Tan-Free Skin Smart Campus Initiative

Sun Smart Nevada supports the Indoor Tan-Free Skin Smart Campus Initiative sponsored by the National Council on Skin Cancer Prevention in response to the 2014 the U.S. Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Prevent Skin Cancer.  The Indoor Tan-Free Skin Smart Campus Initiative encourages U.S. universities and colleges to promote skin cancer prevention policies and education on campus. Campuses in the program must not have tanning devices on campus or in any college/university-affiliated building. Other criteria, which confer a higher level of program award, include:

The college or university…

  • Does NOT list any off-campus housing that includes indoor tanning as an amenity on the university’s off-campus housing listings website.
  • Does NOT permit any indoor tanning salon to be included as a university-affiliated debit card merchant.
  • Provides access to an educational webpage on the college/university website, focusing on the risks of UV exposure and skin cancer prevention practices, to students, faculty, and staff at all times.
  • Signs a Memo of Understanding drafted by the National Council. This demonstrates a formal commitment to becoming a Skin Smart Campus, ensuring that the university prohibits future relationships with the tanning industry.

Learn more about becoming a Skin Smart Campus and access resources here. Nevada Cancer Coalition and our Sun Smart team can help you in implementing this program on your campus.